News and Events
Aus Anlass der UN-Wasserkonferenz: Wasserverbrauch senken und Natur unterstützen
GERICS-Forscher Peter Greve im DLF-Interview more
Nach Veröffentlichung des IPCC-Syntheseberichtes: Was müssen wir jetzt fürs Klima tun?
Daniela Jacob im Gespräch bei NDR Info more
IPCC’s Synthesis Report: Call for Immediate Action
GERICS involved in AR6 cycle more
The Green lungs of Europe: new project will enable smart decisions for sustainable forest management
Kick-off for OptFor-EU project - GERICS involved more
Abschlusskonferenz der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme “Stadtklima im Wandel”
GERICS koordinierte BMBF-Projekt more
Regional Modelling for Geesthacht
GERICS publication "City Series 04 & 05" released more
Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023 released
GERICS scientists involved in the production of the report more
Call for 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2023
Joint initiative of Future Earth, the Earth League and WCRP more
Urban Climate Action - The urban content of the NDCs: Global review 2022
GERICS scientist involved in report compilation more
Soil protection means climate protection
Net-Zero-2050: Soil-Carbon-App launched more
WASCAL Science Symposium 2022 in Ouagadougou/Burkina-Faso
GERICS represented with online talk more
Equipping urban decision-makers with evidence-based information to safeguard against climate change impacts
eBook released @OpenAccessGovernment more
Award of the 4. José María Sarriegi Scientific Dissemination Prize
GERICS scientists also honoured more
"Bitte keine heiße Luft"
Daniela Jacob im Gespräch aus Anlass der COP27 more
RegIKlim: Forschung und Praxis gemeinsam für regionale Klimaanpassung
GERICS-Wissenschaftler*innen an Publikation beteiligt more